Sponsor a Trainee Mechanic

CM Insider

If you want to learn more about how to buy a hammer, headlamp or a hoist for training Kenyan car mechanics or even support the construction of the new training building please contact the Got Matar Community’s award winning UK anchor charity, Ace Africa (UK).

Please visit their website www.ace-africa.org/car-mechanic-shopping-list or contact Olivia on olivia.jarman@ace-africa.org or +44 (0)207 9332997.

See the article in Car Mechanics Magazine. 

Ace Africa are working alongside the Got Matar Community Development Group (GMCDG) to support the most vulnerable children and their families who have been infected and affected by the HIV/AIDS crisis. With the aim to improve access to children wanting to attain a higher level of education once out of secondary school, the GMCDG set up an Institute of Technology (IoT), which offers vocational courses for teenagers and adults in a variety of training opportunities in order to open up employment options to the young people of Got Matar.

The IoT is registered by the Ministry of Education and run as a sustainable private venture by the GMCDG and is entirely funded by the kind support of individual donors.

The latest, and most popular, course on offer is the Car Mechanics course – and this is where we come to you! Training is now taking place in rented buildings with limited access to equipment. The mechanics group intends to move it as quickly as possible into a new well-equipped training workshop and we hoped that some Car Mechanics Magazine readers might feel like helping them out, knowing that their support will improve the safety of Kenya’s vehicles while improving job prospects for Got Matar’s budding mechanics.

You can read more on Ace Africa here: www.ace-africa.org