Computer Training Centre at the Institute of Technology

One of the Community’s great achievements during 2021 has been to complete the new computer training centre at the Institute of Technology. Till now ICT training has been mainly for specialists, taking two year diploma courses. Now this has been extended to make sure that all students, whatever their areas of specialisation, have an opportunity to become computer literate before they graduate and start looking for jobs.

For this, thanks to your gifts during the year, this bright and airy workshop has been built with the engagement of lots of students, and twenty new computers have been installed. The extra new desks have been designed and made by the woodwork students. The mains electricity supply has also been upgraded to handle the extra load.

We hope that you are satisfied that good use has been made of your gifts.

Got Matar IOT

Got Matar IOT

Got Matar IOT

Got Matar IOT

Got Matar IOT