Here are some action-packed photos of the plastering of the inside and outside of the plumbers’ training workshop as it nears completion at the Institute of Technology, Students are doing much of the work, gaining practical experience and earning income to help pay their tuition fees.
The plumbers’ and electricians’ workshops form the ground floor of the first two-storey building on the IoT campus. Construction began in January this year and has gone ahead in tandem since then. It is expected that they will be opened within the coming weeks, thanks to the generosity of donors.
Decisions still have to be taken on the selection of the two workshops for the upper floor, but one is very likely to be for training related to the fishery sector which is an important element of the local economy.
The second phase of the girls’ hostel at the IoT was completed early this year and is in full use, with a total of 80 girls now boarding and demand still rising. The increased number of boarders seems to have contributed to the rapid rise in the number of female (200) long-term female students compared to 133 males. The Institute is therefore now giving priority to the construction of more hostel space for both girls and boys, as it helps to make it accessible to students from the more distant areas of the community. This should allow the IoT reach its immediate goal of 500 full-time students which should enable it to operate in a financially self-sustaining manner.