Institute of Technology

Catering class

Download the IOT Prospectus here:

[pl_button type=”info” link=”” target=”blank”] Institute of Technology Prospectus (pdf)[/pl_button]

The GMCDG is seeking donor funding to meet the capital costs of the above plan, as well as the first year operating loss.

For the first phase (2013-15), this would imply a financing commitment of almost Euro 270,000. A part of this will be financed by the group of friends who have funded the construction of the secondary school and the trial operations of the IoT, coordinated on behalf of the GMCDG by Andrew MacMillan (for list of donors, see here). However, if the programme is to be implemented as envisaged, this will require some Euro 200,000 beyond what the existing group of donors is likely to be able to provide.

The purpose of this prospectus is to draw this excellent funding opportunity to the attention of trusts and foundations committed to education and particularly to vocational training in Africa.

For further information, please contact Grace Ochieng ( or Andrew MacMillan ( ).